Tangible Media: Removable Storage of Image, Sound, Motion and Data
Tangible Media: Removable Storage of Image, Sound, Motion and Data
Tangible Media: Removable Storage of Image, Sound, Motion and Data
RMI Keyboard Computer


Stereo Glock (in combination with Great Hohflote 8')


c. 1977


Card stock


7⅜ x 3¼ in. (18.7 x 8.4 cm)


Rocky Mount Instruments, Inc. (Allen Organ Co.)


Macungie, Pennsylvania, United States

Voice settings for a digital polyphonic keyboard synthesizer. RMI was a subsidiary of the Allen Organ Co. and the RMI Keyboard Computer was a version of the Allen Computer Organ, which used similar punch cards. Pre-punched cards were available, but users could also punch blank cards to create their own voices (or possibly punch random holes just to see what happened.)

Pre-punched voice
Back of card
Custom voice made with standard IBM punch card
RMI demonstration album featuring Clark Ferguson (an RMI employee)
Diagram of punch card from the RMI Keyboard Computer Owner's Manual
The waveform generated by the above punch card

Introductory pages from the extensive owner's manual (PDF)